Fire Salamander Setup

Step 1

Select your level of setup

Select between our Starter, Advanced, and Ultimate kits. Hover over products for a closer look.

Starter Kit

Total --
ProRep Terrarium 45x45x45cm  - Vent Side
£111.99 tick-green In Stock
ProRep Flood Lamp  - 25w
£3.19 tick-green In Stock
Exo Terra Reptile Aluminium Dome Fixture  - 15cm
£20.59 tick-green In Stock
ProRep Cloth Element Adhesive Heat Mat  - 11x11
£26.89 tick-green In Stock
Exo Terra 100w Electronic On/Off Thermostat
£25.49 tick-green In Stock
Reptile Systems Eco T5 Unit Ferguson Zone 1 - 2.4%  - 312mm 8w
£42.99 tick-green In Stock
ReptiZoo Dial Thermometer
£3.49 tick-green In Stock
ReptiZoo Dial Hygrometer
£3.99 tick-green In Stock
Total £238.62

Advanced Kit

Total --
ProRep Terrarium 45x45x45cm  - Vent Side
£111.99 tick-green In Stock
ProRep Flood Lamp  - 25w
£3.19 tick-green In Stock
Exo Terra Reptile Aluminium Dome Fixture  - 15cm
£20.59 tick-green In Stock
ProRep Cloth Element Adhesive Heat Mat  - 11x11
£26.89 tick-green In Stock
Exo Terra 100w Electronic On/Off Thermostat
£25.49 tick-green In Stock
ExoTerra Reptile UVB100 T5 VHO  - 8W 12''
£17.99 tick-green In Stock
ExoTerra T5 UVB Fixture  - 8W 35cm
£44.99 tick-green In Stock
ReptiZoo Digital Thermo-Hygrometer Suction Cup With Probe
£13.29 tick-green In Stock
Total £264.42

Ultimate Kit

Total --
ProRep Terrarium 60x45x32cm
£130.39 tick-green In Stock
ProRep Flood Lamp  - 25w
£3.19 tick-green In Stock
Reptile Systems New Dawn LED Spot  - 10w
£32.39 tick-green In Stock
Zoo Med Mini Combo Deep Dome Lamp Fixture
£38.15 tick-green In Stock
ProRep Cloth Element Adhesive Heat Mat  - 11x11
£26.89 tick-green In Stock
Exo Terra 100w Electronic On/Off Thermostat
£25.49 tick-green In Stock
ExoTerra Reptile UVB100 T5 VHO  - 24W 22
£16.49 tick-green In Stock
ExoTerra T5 UVB Fixture  - 24W 60cm
£59.99 tick-green In Stock
ReptiZoo Digital Thermo-Hygrometer Suction Cup With Probe
£13.29 tick-green In Stock
Total £346.27

Step 2

Select your optional extras

Want to spruce up the place with an extra plant or two?

Optional Extras

ProRep Bark Chips Fine  - 10 Litres
£8.49 tick-green In Stock
ProRep Bio Life Forest Substrate  - 10 Litres
£13.59 tick-green In Stock
ProRep Bio Life Leaf Litter  - 3 Litres
£5.59 tick-green In Stock
Exo Terra Water Dish  - Medium
£6.29 tick-green In Stock
Exo Terra Bamboo Feeding Tweezers
£5.99 tick-green In Stock
F10 Reptile Ready to Use Disinfectant 1 Litre  - Trigger
£19.49 tick-green In Stock
ProRep Cork Bark Flat  - Medium
£5.69 tick-green In Stock
ProRep Live Moss  - 1.5 Litres
£4.75 tick-green In Stock
Exo Terra Boston Fern  - Medium
£13.19 tick-green In Stock
ProRep Calci Dust 200g  - 200g
£3.59 tick-green In Stock
Vetark Nutrobal  - 100g
£11.19 tick-green In Stock
ProRep Livefood Care Kit  - Small
£16.59 tick-green In Stock