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(Ceratophrys ornata)
A predatory frog with yellow and red markings.
(Ceratophrys ornata)
A predatory frog with yellow and pink markings.
(Ceratophrys ornata)
A predatory frog with green markings.
(Ceratophrys ornata)
A colourfull frog with red and green colours
(Pyxicephalus adspersus)
One of the biggest species of frog! CB23 babies.
(Trachycephalus resinifictrix)
One of the prettiest tree frog species that grow quite large! CB24 babies.
(Agalychnis callidryas)
A brightly coloured tree frog that doesnt grow too large! Cb24 babies.
(Litoria caerulea)
A great starter frog. CB24 Babies
(Dendrobates auratus)
CB25 Babies
(Dendrobates leucomelas)
CB25 Babies
(Dendrobates tinctorius)
CB25 Babies
(Dendrobates tinctorius)
CB25 Babies
(Testudo hermanni)
CB24 babies. Microchipped.
(Testudo marginata)
CB24 babies. Microchipped.
(Chamaeleo calyptratus)
Colourful animals with lots of character . Male CB24 babies available. Bred in store.
(Chamaeleo calyptratus)
Colourful animals with lots of character . Female CB24 babies available. Bred in store.
(Pogona vitticeps)
Fantatsic pets and great for beginners.
(Pogona vitticeps)
Fantatsic pets and great for beginners.
(Pogona vitticeps)
Fantatsic pets and great for beginners. This morph has almost see-through spikes and scales, and jet black eyes.
(Chlamydosaurus kingii)
One of our favourite species. They are a must in any reptile collection. CB24
(Coleonyx mitratus)
Great for beginners. CB24 babies available.
(Correlophus ciliatus)
A great beginner species. Beautiful babies bred in store! Mixed Morphs including Harlequin, Flame and Pinstripes.
(Rhacodactylus auriculatus)
A stunning gecko. Great for beginners. CB24 babies bred in store.
(Mniarogekko chahoua)
First time we have had this species available. Adult Female.
(Eublepharis macularius)
Great for beginners. CB24 babies bred in store.
(Phelsuma lineata)
A beautiul and active species of day gecko. CB24 Female.
(Oedura monilis)
The first time we have had this species available. An arboreal gecko from Australia.CB23 babies.
(Gekko vittatus)
Avery pretty species of gecko.CB24 babies.
(Basiliscus vittatus)
CB24. An arboreal species with brown and white markings. They do require a large vivarium.
(Laemanctus longipes)
CB24. A gorgeous arboreal species with a tail that is almost 3 times the lentgh of its body
Tribolonotus gracilis
Rarely available CB. A shy species that is more of a look at pet than a hands on one. CB24.
(Chalcides ocellatus)
A burrowing species of skink. Bred in store.
(Pantherophis guttatus)
A red body with orange blotches outlined with a red band. CB24 babies
(Pantherophis guttatus)
Great for beginners. A grey body with darker grey blotches outlined with a black band.
(Pantherophis guttatus)
An orange body with red blotches, outlined with black.
(Pantherophis guttatus)
A pretty corn snake with pink and white markings.
(Lampropeltis getula floridana)
A black snake with yellow mottled markings.
(Lampropeltis getula floridana)
A pale brown snake with dark brown mottled markings.
(Epicrates cenchria)
One of the pretiest Boa species. CB24 babies available.
(Boa constrictor)
Albino motley sharp CB22 Male available.
(morelia bredli)
Semi arboreal, and can grow reasonably large.
(Morelia spilota cheynei)
semi arboreal, and can grow reasonably large.
(Morelia spilota cheynei)
Semi arboreal, and can grow reasonably large.
(Antaresia maculosa)
We havent seen this species available for a long time. Beautiful CB23 available
(Python regius)
A variation of royal python. CB24 youngster. Bred in store.
(Python regius)
A variation of royal python. CB24 youngster. Bred in store.
(Python regius)
A variation of royal python. CB24 youngster. Bred in store.
(Python regius)
A variation of royal python. CB24 youngster. Bred in store.
(Lampropeltis ruthveni)
A red and white striped snake with yellow bands.
(Pantherophis emoryis)
A pretty species of rat snake. Brown in colour with cream and black markings. CB23
(Orthriophis taeniurus)
A pretty species of rat snake that grows quite large.CB22 babies.
(Heterodon nasicus)
A great small species of snake with real character and amazing markings. Rear Fanged. CB24
(Heterodon nasicus)
A great small species of snake with real character and amazing markings. Rear Fanged. CB24
(Bumba horrida)
A shy species that has unusual, dark blue slender legs.
(Chilobrachys huahini)
A very skittish species of tarantula.
(Nhandu colloratovilosum)
A very pretty spider but can be aggressive!
(Idiothele mira)
A fascinating trapdoor species of tarantula
(Lasiodora striatipes)
A fast growing species, similar to a Salmon Pink but with more leg striping.
(Grammostola pulchripes)
The most common species for beginners as can be very docile.
(Phormictopus sp. “Dom Purple”)
A pretty species of terrestrial birdeating spider
(Megaphobema robustum)
<I> A very pretty spider. can be very fast.
(Psalmopoeus reduncus)
Beautiful arboreal spider from central america
(Aphonopelma seemani)
A terrestrial species with striking markings.
(Brachypelma albopilosum)
An ideal tarantula species for a beginner
(Aphonopelma chalcodes)
A slow growing species that takes years to mature. Females can live over 25 years
(Ceratogyrus darlingi)
An amazing spider that grows a horn from its carapace.
(Pterinochilus lugardi)
Very pretty burrowing species.
(Heterothele gabonensis)
A heavy webbing species than can be kept communally
(Harpactira pulchripes)
A terrestrial species that likes to web. Defensive when provoked.
(Theraphosa blondi)
The largest spider in the world. Juvenile available
(Theraphosa stirmi)
The largest spider in the world. Juvenile available
(Theraphosa apophysis)
Rarer than the other goliath species, but still a big tarantula!
(Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens)
One of the most colourful species of tarantula.
(Stromatopelma calceatum)
An agressive arboreal species that has fluffy legs.
(Pelinobius muticus)
An impressive burrowing species.
(cyriopagopus schioedtei)
A large and colourful arboreal tarantula.
(Brachypelma smithi)
One of the most popular species to keep.
(Brachypelma verdezi)
This species grows fairly large and is quite docile.
(Pterinochilus murinus)
Juvinille. Heavy Webbers which can be both arboreal and terrestrial. Stunning orange coloration, but a bad attitude.
(Psalmopoeus pulcher)
A beautiful arboreal species in shades of tan and brown
(Avicularia sp. "Peru Purple")
A docile arboreal species deep irredescent purple in colouration.
(Phidippus regius)
A beautiful species and very cute!.
(Monocentropus balfouri)
Can be kept communally.
(Monocentropus balfouri)
Can be kept communally.
(Neoholothele incei)
An active terrestial species that builds heavy webs
(Psalmopoeus cambridgei)
A very pretty arboreal spider.
(Ceratogyrus marshalli)
Characterized by having a "horn" protruding from the carapace.
(Cyriopagopoeus lividum)
A burrowing species, fast and agressive.
(Phormictopus auratus)
A large species that is mahogany in colour with red hairs on the abdomen and a beautiful metallic gold carapace.
(Phormingochilus hatihati)
A heavy webber with blue legs and blue abdomen.
(Phormingochilus sp. "rufus")
A fast arboreal species with a gorgeous tiger-striped pattern on their abdomen.
(Phormingochilus everetti)
A large arboreal species with blue and cream tiger markings
(Sphodromantis viridis)
A great begginer species.
(Hierodula membranacea)
A great begginer species.
(Deroplatys desiccata)
A wonderful looking with a great disguise
(Creobroter sp Yunnan)
A small species of mantis with pretty markings.
(Achatina fulica)
Fantastic animal. Great for beginners. Youngsters avaliable.
(Gromphadorhina portentosa)
One of the largest species of cockroach.
(Platymeris biguttatus)
A very interesting invertebrate.
(Heterometrus cyaneus)
Fantastic animal. Great for begginers. CB24 babies avaliable.
(Anadenobolus monilicornis)
A small, hardy species. CB babies bred by us in store.
(Telodeinopus aoutii)
A species of burrowing millipede. CB babies bred by us in store.