7 Awesome Pet Snakes
by Luke Tansley on in Snakes
Here at Northampton Reptile Centre, the team have kept and sold a lot of snakes. There are definitely a lot of species out there that make brilliant pets. Here is a list of some of our favourite snakes either for their appearance, temperament or ease of care.
1. Royal Pythons
Royal Pythons are a massive part of the snake world are are widely available. They are a great starter snake for keepers that would prefer a heavy bodied snake. These snakes generally have a great temperament and are fairly easy to care for. Though they can occasionally be finicky with their food, keeping them in the correct setup usually prevents this. Royal pythons come in a range of colour and pattern morphs meaning there is a pattern colour combo to suit all tastes.
2. Corn Snakes
Corn snakes are also big in the pet trade mainly due to their great temperament and curious nature. They are the ultimate starter snake for anyone joining the hobby as they rarely miss a meal and are really easy to look after. Corn snakes can grow to 6ft (usually not though) but always remain thin bodied making them a good choice for people who aren’t as fond of the heavy bodied snakes. Over the years breeders have proven out hundreds of different colour and pattern morphs from black to blood red and everything in between.
3. California Kingsnakes
Kingsnakes are a great choice for keepers who like their pets slightly feistier and make a great pet snake for those who have some experience. California Kingsnakes are the corn snake alternative for thrill seekers. They grow 5-6ft and stay fairly light bodied. With their amazing feeding response you never have to worry about your snake not eating. Though they are slightly more aggressive by nature once out of their enclosure they can be as tame as a corn snake and make brilliant pet snakes. Many kingsnakes will calm down the longer you have them and can be just as tame as any other snake, they just make you work for it.
4. Boa Constrictors
Boas are amazing pet snakes, they grow to be quite sizable and fairly heavy bodied. They are a great pet snake for someone who wants a larger snake. The main thing that stands out amongst boas are their intelligence and curiosity. Boas in general are simply more interactive pets than the common snake and really show their personality. Between this and their overall appearance with the heat pits and slender neck boas definitely look fearsome. These snakes are brilliant for any keeper that wants a slightly different experience. When it comes to breeding you do not need to worry about incubation or looking after fragile eggs, boas have live young!
5. Carpet Pythons
Carpet pythons are this lists first look at arboreal snake species, they tend to be long and slender with handsome looking faces. Carpet pythons will spend quite a lot of time up in the mid to top parts of their vivarium making them a great pet for display. When they are younger they can be quite snappy but as they grow up they can make great handling pets too. Many keepers take on carpets as a challenge and enjoy their initial temperament. Depending on the species you get they can range from 7-12ft or more and have a number of natural colours and patterns.
6. Green Tree Python
Green tree pythons are absolutely beautiful. They start life as slender yellow snakes and spend the majority of their time off of the ground. As with a lot of tree dwelling species they have an ‘attitude problem’ and are a brilliant challenge for keepers with some experience. As they grow green tree pythons change from a neon yellow colour with speckles of brown to a vibrant green snake with speckles of blue or yellow. They are truly breathtaking when fully grown and are the ultimate display pet.
7. Western Hognose Snakes
Western Hognose snakes are most famous for their upturned nose used for burrowing in the wild but they actually have some very interesting aspects that you do not see in other similar snakes. Not only are hognoses quite small compared to other snakes maxing out at 4-5ft they are also rear fanged and spend a considerable amount of time burrowing. They are one of the most passive snakes and are very unlikely to bite anything that isn’t food however they are also one of the most vocal. When feeling threatened these snakes puff up and spread their neck like a cobras hood, they hiss quite loudly and imitate a defensive position. This is all a complete bluff though. If they strike they will tend not to open their mouth and usually bounce off things. Their main defence is to run away and if that doesn’t work they roll over and try to play dead. They are adorable!
If you have any questions about these snakes, their care or if we have any in store please do no hesitate to get in contact. We are available to call on 01604753823 or email at sales@reptilecentre.com. If you are ever on the website you can reach us through the chat box in the bottom left corner.