7 Best Leafy Greens for Bearded Dragons
by Luke Tansley on in Bearded Dragons
At the Northampton Reptile Centre, bearded dragons are by far the most popular pet lizards for beginner keepers. While various foods contribute to their dietary needs, selecting the right greens for bearded dragons can make a substantial difference in maintaining their health.
It’s important to avoid feeding your bearded dragon nutrient-poor greens such as iceberg lettuce or green cabbage, as these provide little nutritional value. Additionally, always wash raw greens to get rid of pesticides and chop them finely.
While it has long been known that they commonly ignore their salad, much to the chagrin of bearded dragon owners, it is still a vital part of their diet especially as they get older. Here is a list of our top 10 ingredients for a dragon’s salad!
What Greens Can Bearded Dragons Eat?
There are variety of fantastic leafy green vegetables that you can add to a salad for bearded dragons, including the following ingredients:
1. Spring Greens
Spring greens or collard greens, are a very cheap and very nutritious vegetable that should be easy to find at any supermarket or farm shop. They are rich in vitamins A and C, which are crucial for a healthy immune system and good vision.
Spring greens also provide a decent amount of calcium, beneficial for preventing metabolic bone disease. This makes up the bulk of our reptile salad. Make sure to wash and chop them finely before feeding.
2. Dandelion / Plantain / Sorrel
There are many live plants that can be added to the diet for variation and to add roughage to the diet. We stock popular edible plants to grow at home. Common and red sorrel, plantain, dandelion and selfheal plants are all brilliant additions to the salad.
Dandelion leaves are highly nutritious for bearded dragons. They are high in calcium and vitamin A, making them ideal for ensuring strong bones and a robust immune system. Ensure they are free from pesticides if foraged from outdoors.
3. Curly Kale
We have found curly kale to be a great addition to the bearded dragon's diet as it contains vitamins A,C and K. It is always well received by many bearded dragons in our store.
Though nutritious, it should be fed in moderation due to its oxalate content. These oxalates can bind calcium and potentially lead to deficiencies if kale becomes a staple food. We advise adding it once or twice a week to bulk up the number of nutritious greens in the salad.
4. Turnip Greens

Turnip greens offer a high calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, which is excellent for bearded dragons. They are also rich in vitamins A, C and K. Regular inclusion of turnip greens in your dragon's diet supports overall health. As with other greens, ensure they are finely chopped to make them easier for your pet to eat.
5. Mustard Greens

Mustard greens are another nutrient-dense option. They provide vitamins A, C and K, alongside a good amount of calcium. This makes them beneficial for bone health and the immune system. Mustard greens should be part of a varied diet, and they can be offered regularly.
6. Bok Choy

Bok choy is a leafy green vegetable that bearded dragons can enjoy. It contains a range of nutrients, including vitamins A and C. Bok choy also has a moderate amount of calcium. Although it's healthy, it should not be the primary green in your dragon’s diet but rather part of a balanced mix.
7. Swiss Chard

Swiss chard is vibrant and nutritious, offering vitamins A, C and K, as well as iron and fibre. However, it also contains oxalates, similar to kale and beet greens, which can bind calcium. Therefore, it should be fed in moderation, ensuring it remains just one component of a varied diet.
What Vegetables can Bearded Dragons Eat?
There are a whole bunch of vegetables that can add nutritional value to the diet of your baby dragons and adult bearded dragons. This includes the following:
1. Carrot/Courgette/Parsnip Shavings
Adding different textures and colours to a bearded dragon's salad can go a long way when you are trying to appeal to a fussy reptile. The courgette is fatty and adds a bit more moisture to the mix while parsnips add some contrast and carrots can add a little colour which might make the salad more attractive.
Carrots are a colourful addition to your bearded dragon's diet. They provide vitamins A and C, essential for maintaining good health. To serve, grate or shave the carrots into small, manageable pieces to aid digestion.
Courgettes are another excellent option, rich in water content and low in calories. They help keep your bearded dragon hydrated, especially in hotter weather. Parsnip shavings can also be included as they are high in fibre and contain vital nutrients.
2. Bell Peppers
Bell peppers are brilliant because they have a high water content while still being nutritious and are colourful enough to entice a dragon into eating their salad. We constantly hear about people feeding dragons and tortoises strawberries because they absolutely love them but in truth, fruits aren't particularly good for these reptiles.
You can use red, yellow and green peppers to create a vibrant and appealing mix for your dragon. Cut bell peppers into small, bite-sized pieces to make them easier to eat.
While they offer numerous benefits, do not rely solely on bell peppers. Rotate them with other vegetables to ensure a balanced diet.
3. Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are packed with vitamins A, B6 and C, making them a valuable addition. They are also excellent for providing dietary fibre and essential minerals like potassium and manganese.
Peel and cube the sweet potatoes into small pieces before feeding to prevent choking hazards. You can serve them raw or lightly cooked, but ensure they are cool before offering.
Sweet potatoes add a sweet taste to your bearded dragon's diet, often making the vegetable mix more appealing. While beneficial, balance their intake with other vegetables to avoid excessive sugar consumption.
Visit Reptile Centre Today to Stock Up on Bearded Dragon Food
Reptile Centre offers a comprehensive range of food options for bearded dragons, catering to both baby dragons and fully grown adults. Fresh and live foods include small crickets, XL crickets, locusts, mealworms and grubs.
The centre also provides prepared diets and supplements for times when live foods are not available. These prepared options consist of a mix of insect and vegetable diets that supply balanced nutrition. Calcium powder is also a vital ingredient to add to a beardie’s diet.
Pet owners can ensure their bearded dragons receive a varied diet by including fresh greens such as arugula, alfalfa and bok choy. This is essential for maintaining your dragon's health and preventing issues like metabolic bone disease.
If you have any questions regarding the salad choices or general husbandry, please email us at sales@reptilecentre.com or call us at 01604 753823.