Reptile Holiday Boarding at Northampton Reptile Centre
by Luke Tansley on in Shop News
Northampton Reptile Centre is dedicated to the welfare of Reptiles and Amphibians kept in captivity and has many years of experience in this field.
We have a range of enclosures suitable for various species including snakes, lizards, tortoises, Amphibians, and inverts to be cared for whilst you are away. Our purpose-built, air-conditioned holiday room has all the vivariums and terrariums ready set up and is private from the general public.
Your pet’s diet, vitamin supplements, and any special requirements will be discussed fully at the time of booking.
Take a Look Around
Here’s What Your Pet Gets
Expert holiday care for exotic pets
Good quality vivariums & terrariums
Heating tailored to your pet’s needs
Species-specific, top brand UVB Lighting
Daily health checks by experienced reptile keepers
Detailed husbandry & hygiene procedures
Custom food & nutrition plan
Love & care – your pet is in safe hands
Tel: 01604 753823
Email: boarding@reptilecentre.com