Best 5 Pet Lizards for Beginners: Our Top Picks
by Luke Tansley on in Bearded Dragons Chameleons Geckos Lizards
Lizards can make brilliant pets and they are probably the most popular group of pets we sell. That's probably, at least in part, due to some people being a little nervous around snakes, spiders and frogs when they enter the hobby, but we're sure it's mostly because of how awesome the lizards we sell are!
We have lizards that burrow, lizards that skitter around an enclosure and lizards that climb. We have some that come out during the day, some that come out at night and many that come out when they feel like it. There are species that love water and humidity and others that require neither.
Lizards are a massive and extremely diverse group of pets. To narrow them down for you, here are five of our all-time favourites and best pet lizards for beginners.
1. Bearded Dragon

An oldy but goldy in the lizard-keeping world, the bearded dragon. To many more experienced reptile keepers, these can seem very common, but there is a reason that they are the number one most popular pet lizard in the UK. They remain a very modest size, at around 2 feet in total length (around half of this being tail).
They have a brilliant personality when treated well and with care, and they very rarely exhibit any aggression or fear of handling. Younger dragons can be a bit quick, but they usually grow out of this by 18–24 months old. If you aren't sure which of these would be best for you, the bearded dragon is a very solid choice for beginner lizards to get.
In terms of caring for them, bearded dragons love sunshine, so UVB tube and basking lamps (at day) and a Ceramic Heat Emitter (at night) will be ideal for them. For food, they are omnivores, so you can provide them with leafy greens, fruit and invertebrates, such as crickets.
2. Crested Gecko

Crested geckos are on the other end of the spectrum in terms of enclosures. Whereas the beardie above will love a large, dry and hot enclosure, these little geckos much prefer a warm, humid and tall enclosure.
Crested geckos are our most popular climbing lizard species because they are really easy to keep. Additionally, they are pretty easy to handle once you get used to them, and they take to naturally planted enclosures really well.
A crested gecko in a 45 x 45 x 60 centimeter glass enclosure with live jungle plants makes for a spectacular pet in a stunning display enclosure. They are also nocturnal animals, but they still need UVB and a top-mounted basking lamp in the day.
Moreover, they need a temperature gradient in their enclosure with one end being 24ºC (75ºF) and the other end being room temperature in the day. At night, they need a heat mat. No wonder they make for such a great beginner lizard, just as long as you feed them live bugs, fruit or gecko diet powder.
3. Leopard Gecko

If you are after a ground-dwelling gecko but you don't think you could keep up with the dietary needs of a bearded dragon, then a leopard gecko might be perfect. These smooth little lizards love to rest under bark decorations or resin ornaments throughout the day.
While they are most active between dusk and dawn, they are known to become more active during the day with regular interactions. Leopard geckos just eat crickets and treats, so their care is much easier than that of a dragon.
Lastly, they don't need as much space to thrive, so a 3 foot enclosure will be optimal for them.
4. Panther Chameleons

There are a number of chameleons that could have been included in this list, but we love panther chameleons the most. They aren't quite as large as the more common Yemen chameleon.
However, we’ve found that they are more likely to have a warmer personality and take to handling and frequent interaction better.
Their enclosure isn't as warm as Yemen chameleons either, so we find them a little easier to keep at the correct temperature. They are a little more sensitive to humidity, UVB lighting and husbandry, so you should be well prepared and make sure you have the perfect enclosure up and running from day one.
As long as proper care is given, this chameleon is a great choice for a new pet.
5. Uromastyx

If the idea of live insects in your house is just a bit too much, then you might be after a uromastyx. These lizards, also known as Dabb lizards, frog-faced lizards or spiny-tailed lizards, are perfect, polite, little vegetarians.
Unlike most other lizards, uromastyx can normally thrive on a diet of seeds and salad. They are very intelligent and take to handling very well, even if they are a little quick when they are young.
The exact care and size will vary from species to species, with the Egyptian uromastyx getting to 3 feet and the Ornate uromastyx remaining about 10 – 12 inches. We normally recommend the Moroccan uromastyx, as they are the best-behaved and easiest to keep. Alternatively, if you can get your hands on an Omani or Ornate uromastyx, they also make spectacular pets.
Frequently Asked Questions

Lizards make popular pets, but you may still have some lingering concerns. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about getting a lizard.
What are the Best Lizards for Kids?
Similar to beginners, the best lizards for kids are the species that tolerate or enjoy being handled, such as crested geckos, leopard geckos and even larger lizards, such as bearded dragons.
Alternatively, the best reptiles for kids are blue tongue skinks, corn snakes and ball pythons. That said, it’s highly recommended that these creatures are handled by children under adult supervision.
What is the Friendliest Pet Lizard?
The friendliest pet lizards are generally beardies. They can have an almost dog-like personality, as they’ll come to you for scratches and treats, if they’re let out of their enclosures.
Alternatively, a blue tongue skink can also be a very friendly pet reptile. You’ll just need to make frequent handling a habit, so they get used to the interaction. Blue tongue skinks hate being grabbed suddenly or from above, so make sure to avoid doing this.
What is the Best Low Maintenance Pet Lizard?
Several lizards are very low maintenance and easy to care for, and they just happen to be great for beginners too. This includes bearded dragons, crested geckos and leopard geckos. Although it seems like repetition, we promise this is true.
Check Out Our Lizards in Store

If you were wondering, our favourite lizard would be the uromastyx, or perhaps something a little more involved like a giant day gecko, spiny tail monitor or water dragon.
Aside from the uromastyx, they are all a bit more difficult to set up and keep well, but they make for very rewarding pets. Lizards can be very fun to own, but it’s crucial that you get the right setup for their species and specific needs.
If you would like to see the reptiles available in store, please check out our animal list. If you have any questions about the article or if there is anything else we can help with, please call us on 01604753823 or email us at sales@reptilecentre.com.